10 Ways to Create and Manage Experiences

●10 Ways to Create and Manage Experiences(By The EX Group, CMO Magazine)

10 Ways to Create and Manage Experiences

1. Experiences don't just happen; they need to be planned.

2. Think about the customer experience first —and then about the functional features and benefits of your brand.

3. Be obsessive about the details of the experience.

4. Create a small touch that sums up and stylizes your experience. (The Conrad Hotel in Hong Kong places yellow rubber ducks in its bathrooms —a quirky, memorable touch.)

5. Think situation, not product: "Grooming in the bathroom," instead of "razor"; "casual meal" instead of "hot dog"; "travel" instead of "transportation."

6. Strive for holistic experiences—experiences that are sensory, emotional, thought-provoking and relevant.

7. Track experiences across media: logos, ads, packaging, advertising and websites.

8. Use multiple metrics—from quantitative to verbal to visual. Be explorative and creative and worry about reliability, validity and methodological sophistication later.

9. Consider how the experience changes as the brand expands onto the Web or across international borders.

10. Add dynamism and "Dionysianism" to your company and brand. Most brands are too timid and too bureaucratic. Be ecstatic, passionate and creative.

Source: The EX Group