lip(s) 唇はひとつではない。

英語の lip は、上唇か下唇のことを意味しており、さらに唇付近も lip であるらしい。

1 [C] 唇《◆広義には「鼻の下」(top lip),または口の周辺も含む》《外来形容詞はlabial》‖
put [lay] one's finger to one's lips 唇に指を当てる《◆沈黙の合図》/
a short upper lip 寸のつまった鼻の下/
the beard on one's lower lip 口の下に生えたあごひげ/
3 [lips] ](発声器官としての)口.
[用例] It sounds strange from his lips. 彼がそう言うと変に聞こえる
lip (n.)
n. (1) 生意気な口のきき方、無礼な口答え。
○Shut up! I'm fed up with your lip.

watch one's lips(失礼にならないように)言葉に注意する、ていねいに話す。
○You're being rude, Henry. You should try harder to watch your lips.

Watch my lips.
lip noun
1 [countable] one of the two soft parts around your mouth where your skin is redder or darker.
 upper/lower/top/bottom lip
 *His bottom lip was swollen.
 *She had big eyes and full lips  (=large and round lips) .
 *Matt opened the door with a smile on his lips .
 *Marty kissed me right on the lips !
 thin-lipped/thick-lipped/full-lipped  (=having lips that are thin, or large and round) 
 *Stephen pursed his lips with distaste (=brought them together tightly into a small circle)