The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, Second Edition(UML 2.0対応)

by James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch
ISBN:0321245628 $61.74 CD included

Highlights include:

  • Two-color diagrams, extensively annotated
  • Thorough coverage of both semantics and notation, separated in each article for easy reference
  • Further explanations of concepts whose meaning or purpose is obscure in the original specifications
  • Discussion sections offering usage advice and additional insight into tricky concepts
  • A hyperlinked version of the book in Adobe Reader format on CD-ROM, an excellent resource for browsing or searching the text for specific information
  • Full text of the UML 2.0 specification documents on CD-ROM, courtesy of the Object Management Group
  • Notation summary, with hyperlinks to individual articles on the CD-ROM
  • An enhanced online index allows readers to quickly and easily search the entire text for specific topics