Darwin in Court

from http://www.naturalhistorymag.com/index_toc.html

Darwin in Court
Eighteen months after the “monkey trial” in Dover, Pennsylvania, a bumper crop of books puts the battle in perspective and asks, What’s next?
By Richard Milner

Every few years in America (and nowhere else) God tells someone to haul Charles Darwin and evolutionary biology into court. No other scientific theory―not atomic theory, not string theory, not the big bang―has ever been put on trial in a court of law. That may be because “Darwin matters,” to borrow a phrase from Michael Shermer, a historian of science and self-labeled “former fundamentalist.” Shermer’s essential little book, Why Darwin Matters, shows how the revolutionary Darwinian time bomb is still ticking. Subtitled The Case Against Intelligent Design, the book refutes creationism’s latest incarnation and chronicles the recent brouhaha over high school textbooks in Dover, a small town in rural Pennsylvania.

Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design

Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design

SEARCH INSIDE >> http://www.amazon.com/dp/0805083065/